Identity Branding

Branding is the meticulous process of blending position, personality, and image to provide an identity consistent with your organization and its products. Once the brand is defined and designed, then we look at all the places that it impacts your significant targets, from employees to customers.

Competitive Analysis

We gather internal and external information from existing clients, potential clients and market research to conduct a thorough analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The information gained will determine the right direction required for a more successful brand launch, relaunch or refreshment.

Brand Strategy

Determining the brand strategy is a critically important part of the process. It is like the blueprint that allows you to determine, in advance, the various elements and aspects you need to create the ongoing structure your brand will need to grow, evolve and prosper. Through careful analysis and strategic insights we can help you lay the foundation for a powerful, effective, lasting brand.

Brand Architecture [graphic standards]

Your brand should have a consistent corporate identity system integrated at every level of communication. It involves finding a unique positioning that will set you apart from the competition which includes trademarks, choosing the type face that becomes your own, the writing tone or style that best expresses your brand personality, and colors your customers will respond to in a positive way.

All of these integrated elements are strategically and consistently placed on every communication piece you use, contributing to increased recognition, awareness and increased market share.

Brand Positioning

We find strategic solutions that create desire for your product or service within the defined market. This helps achieve your brand full potential, adds value to your offer, gives you clear competitive edge and potentially leads to higher profit.